SN J02524671+4656470 located near UGC 2351, discovered by Massimo Caimmi on behalf of Italian Supernovae Search Project (ISSP).
Data from Latest Supernovae (
, CBAT TOCP discovered 2015/09/12.010 by Massimo Caimmi (ISSP)
Found in UGC 2351 at R.A. = 02h52m46s.71, Decl. = +46°56'47".0
Located 21".0 east and 30".0 north of the center of UGC 2351
Mag 16.3:9/21, Type Ia (References: SN 2012gq)
Classifications of Three Recent Supernovae
ATel #8081; I. Shivvers, H. Yuk, W. Zheng, A. V. Filippenko (University of California, Berkeley)
on 22 Sep 2015; 18:57 UT
Credential Certification: Isaac Shivvers (
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Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We report classifications of two recent SNe and one update based upon spectra (330-1000 nm) obtained on UT September 21, 2015 with the 3-m Shane reflector (+Kast) at Lick Observatory. Classifications were performed through cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the "SuperNova IDentification" code (SNID; Blondin & Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) including the updated templates of Silverman et al. 2012, MNRAS, 425, 1789 and Liu & Modjaz, 2014, arXiv:1405.1437.
PSN J23523718+1433092 is a normal SN Ia near maximum light. SNID indicates a strong similarity to the spectrum of SN 2007fr at maximum, and after correcting for the host galaxy's redshift of z = 0.0266 (UGC 12822; NED) the Si II 635.5 nm absorption indicates an expansion velocity of 10,600 km/s.
PSN J02524671+4656470 is also a normal SN Ia near maximum light, and SNID indicates strong correlations with the near-maximum spectra of SNe 2000dg, 2007A, and 1998bu. After correcting for the host galaxy's redshift of z = 0.0281 (UGC 02351; NED), the Si II 635.5 nm absorption indicates an expansion velocity of 10,800 km/s.
PSN J02051332+0606084 was reported in ATel #8039 as a Type Ib/c SN based on an early-time spectrum showing a similarity to the spectra of young broad-lined SNe Ib/c. Here we report that the object has evolved into a normal Type Ib SN, and SNID identifies strong correlations with SNe 1997X, 2007C, and 1998dt around maximum brightness.