SN J20435314+1230304 in NGC 6956, discovered by Massimo Caimmi (16" SC telescope - Orsiatico observatory) on behalf of ISSP, on 2015/07/11.017. The OT is located 7" west and 14" south of the center of NGC 6956. Mag 18.0, type Ia (redshift z = 0.0155). See attached image and classification ATEL.
Spectroscopic classification of three SNe at Asiago
ATel #7796; L. Tomasella, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro, N. Elias-Rosa, P. Ochner, A. Pastorello, L. Tartaglia, G. Terreran, M. Turatto (INAF OAPd)
on 14 Jul 2015; 07:21 UT
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Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
The Asiago Transient Classification Program (Tomasella et al. 2014, AN, 335, 841) reports the spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-15mi in Mrk 0283a, and ASASSN-15mj, in 2MASX J14021617+3339415 (ATel #7790) discovered during the ongoing All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN), and PSN J20435314+1230304 discovered in NGC6956 by Massimo Caimmi (Italian Supernova Search Program ISSP). Informations on these transients are available from the "Bright Supernova" website ( and and the CBAT "Transient Objects Confirmation Page" ( The observations were performed with the Asiago 1.82 m Copernico Telescope (+AFOSC; range 340-820 nm; resolution 1.4 nm).
Name | Date (UT) | z | Type | Phase | Notes ASASSN-15mi | 20150713.97 | 0.0344 | Ia-pec | before max | (1) ASASSN-15mj | 20150713.90 | 0.0344 | ? | - | (2) PSN J20435314+1230304 | 20150714.01 | 0.0155 | Ia | before max | (3)
(1) Best match is with 91T-like, SN 1997br few days before maximum
(2) Blue, featureless continuum. Possible type II SN at early phase.
(3) Best match with several Type Ia SNe few days before maximum B-band light. The expansion velocity of the ejected material, as inferred from the position of the absorption of the SiII 6355 \AA, is about 13000 km/s.
Classifications were done with GELATO (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A&A, 488, 383) and SNID (Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). The Asiago classification spectra are posted at the website