SN J21312375+4336312 in UGC 4812, (at R.A. = 09h10m08s.85, Decl. = +50°03'39".6) discovered by F. Ciabattari, E. Mazzoni and G. Petroni, on behalf of Italian Supernovae Search Project (ISSP). Mag 16.8:11/12, Type Ia-pec (z=0.026) Located 9".0 east and 8".0 north of the center of UGC 4812 (Padova-Asiago spectrum) (References: ATEL 8263)
See discovery image and classification ATEL.
Asiago classification of PSN J09100885+5003396 as a peculiar Type Ia SN
ATel #8263; L. Tomasella, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro, N. Elias-Rosa, P. Ochner, A. Pastorello, L. Tartaglia, G. Terreran, M. Turatto (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova)
on 9 Nov 2015; 09:48 UT
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Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
The Asiago Transient Classification Program (Tomasella et al. 2014, AN, 335, 841) reports the spectroscopic classification of PSN J09100885+5003396 discovered by F. Ciabattari, E. Mazzoni and M. Rossi (Italian Supernovae Search Project ISSP) in UGC 4812.
Informations on these transients are available from the "Bright Supernova" website ( and The Astronomer Telegram. The observations were performed with the Asiago 1.82 m Copernico Telescope (+AFOSC; range 340-820 nm; resolution 1.4 nm).
Name | Discovery UT| Obs. Date UT |z | Type | Phase |Notes PSN J09100885+5003396 | 20151108.17 | 20151109.13 |0.026 | Ia-pec | -10d | (1)
(1) Best match with the peculiar Type Ia SN 2009dc (a super-Chandrasekhar-mass SNe Ia; Taubenberger et al. 2011, MNRAS 412, 2735) about 10 days before B-band maximum light. The host galaxy redshift is deduced from the position of its emission lines.
Classification was done with GELATO (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A&A, 488, 383) and SNID (Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). The Asiago classification spectra are posted at the website