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SN J18285823+2254106 in NGC6641 - 2015 05 12

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SN J18285823+2254106 discovered by F. Briganti on behalf of Italian Supernovae Search Project. The new OT is located 8" east 3" south of the centre of NGC 6641, discovered 2015/05/12.042 with the telescope Maioni (SC 0,28 mt) of the Col Drusciè observatory (Cortina-Italy). Type IIb. See also attached ATEL.




Spectroscopic Classifications of Optical Transients with SOAR

ATel #7519; Y.-C. Pan, R. J. Foley, S. Downing (Illinois), S. W. Jha (Rutgers), A. Rest (STScI), D. Scolnic (Chicago/KICP), K. W. Smith, D. Wright, S. J. Smartt (QUB), M. Huber, K. C. Chambers, H. Flewelling, M. Willman, N. Primak, A. Schultz, B. Gibson, E. Magnier, C. Waters, J. Tonry, R. J. Wainscoat (IfA, Hawaii)
on 17 May 2015; 11:48 UT
Credential Certification: Yen-Chen Pan ( Questo indirizzo e-mail è protetto dallo spam bot. Abilita Javascript per vederlo. )

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient


We report the following classifications of optical transients from spectroscopic observations with the Goodman spectrograph on the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope. Targets were supplied by the Pan-STARRS Survey for Transients (PSST) and All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). All observations were made on 2015 May 16 UT. Classifications were performed with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024).

Name             | RA (J2000)  | Dec (J2000) |  z    | Type | Phase     |  Notes
ASASSN-15jg | 10:46:55.64 | -02:19:29.92| 0.036 | Ia | +1d | (1) ASSASN-15ir | 10:48:30.30 | -21:38:07.95| 0.012 | II | +1-2 weeks| PS15aja | 14:14:00.51 | +19:23:35.9 | 0.076 | Ia | +5d | (2) PS15akf | 14:17:11.23 | +07:21:38.4 | 0.06 | Ia | pre-max | (3) PS15akk | 14:40:56.26 | +03:31:44.2 | 0.034 | II | pre-max | (4) PS15akl | 14:42:03.97 | +02:23:20.1 | 0.136 | ? | | (5) PS15ajp | 15:18:44.77 | +06:06:57.6 | 0.045 | Ibc | +1 week | PS15ahr | 17:57:52.53 | +31:49:29.0 | 0.04 | II | +1 month | PS15aju | 15:45:21.84 | +07:30:13.3 | 0.163 | Ia | +2d | PSNJ18285823+2254106| 18:28:58.23 | +22:54:10.6 | 0.014 | IIb | +3 weeks|

Notes: When the redshift is given to 2 decimal places, it is derived from the SN spectrum. Otherwise, the redshift is determined from the host galaxy. (1) We measure a Si II 6355 velocity of -11,100 km/s. (2) We measure a Si II 6355 velocity of -10,200 km/s. (3) The redshift/phase are a bit uncertain, but 0.05 < z < 0.06. (4) We measure a H-alpha velocity = -8800 km/s. (5) The spectrum shows a blue continuum.