SN J02004778+1641365 in PGC 1514767 (at R.A. = 02h00m47s.78, Decl. = +16°41'36".5), discovered by F. Ciabattari, E. Mazzoni and S. Donati on behalf of Italian Supernovae Search Project (ISSP) - Mag 17.4:11/3 (17.2:11/1), Located 2" east and 4" south of the center of PGC 1514767 - Type Ia (z=0.027)(References: ATEL 8248)
See discovery image and classification ATEL.
Spectroscopic Classification of PSN J02004778+1641365 as a Type Ia Supernova
ATel #8248; Liming Rui (Tsinghua University), Tianmeng Zhang (NAOC), and Xiaofeng Wang (Tsinghua University)
on 5 Nov 2015; 02:09 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Xiaofeng Wang (
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Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We report an optical spectrum of PSN J02004778+1641365 that was obtained on 2015 Nov.03.7 UT with the 2.16-m telescope (+BFOSC) at Xinglong Station of NAOC. The spectrum is consistent with a type Ia supernova at 1-2 weeks after the maximum light. Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the comparison tool SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) shows that it matches with SN 2005kc at t = + 10 days. Adopting a redshift of 0.027 for its host galaxy (from the SNID fit), an expansion velocity of about 10000 km/s can be derived from the absorption minimum of Si II 635.5 nm.